Wednesday, September 11, 2019

The storage and transportation of spill cleanup waste under the Research Paper

The storage and transportation of spill cleanup waste under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) - Research Paper Example This act also helps in preserving energy through waste reprocessing and eliminating the hazardous waste as quickly as possible. The act ensures that the waste is properly managed to protect public health and the environment1. RCRA mainly edges on hazardous waste management with respect to storage and transportation. In RCRA the role of the industry is to obey Federal and State waste management rules so that the disposal of the waste does not harm the health and environment. Public participation in the awareness of the waste management program is very important. The main activity of public is to monitor and report the condition caused by waste management resulting in a threat to health and safety. The term ‘hazardous waste’ means ‘solid waste or combination of solid wastes, which because of its quantity, concentration or physical , chemical or infectious characteristics’ may increase the mortality rate and create both health and environmental hazard by transp orting, storing or disposing improperly. RCRA takes help of Environment Policy Act (EPA) to identify the hazardous waste2. This paper will discuss the origin, purpose, aims, and the works of RCRA act putting maximum emphasis on the storage and transportation of chemical spill and the clean up waste under the RCRA. ... The organization where the employees work can also be subject to civil penalty. The main aim of RCRA is to protect the people from hazards of waste disposal by cleaning up the waste that has been created by spill or any leakage. Under RCRA, hazardous waste program deals with the waste from its origin till its disposal. RCRA acts main focus is on recycling and safe disposal of the industrial waste. RCRA also regulates the treatment, storage, and removal of hazardous waste. RCRA disposes hazardous waste not only from industries but from hospitals, universities, and other entities3. Battery acids, pharmaceutical waste, and other chemical waste are examples of hazardous waste. EPA sanctioned states in United States to function their own hazardous programs including generators, transporters, and treatment, storage, and disposal facilities (TSDFs)4. Storage Hazardous wastes are stored in a container. The storage of waste in these containers should be according to the regulations laid down by the RCRA. It deals with the storage and transportation of the hazardous waste. The container should be in good condition. Proper inspections of these containers have to be done. RCRA first identifies the materials that are used to make the container. Then it decides on the type and the quality of waste that would be stored in the container. Oil spill is a serious problem which causes great devastation to flora and fauna. Oil spill effects in many ways distort the ecological balance. Oil spill is assumed to be a hazardous waste. Mostly oil is stored in the underground storage tanks (USTs). Above ground oil is also stored in the tanks (AST) under the

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