Monday, September 30, 2019

Illegal Immigrants

For years now, the issue concerning illegal immigrants in the United States had been the subject of a heated debate. It has not only polarized Americans but has even elicited some rather emotional reactions from some sectors of society.   There are those who favor granting legal status to illegal immigrants. Some, however, vehemently oppose the idea, claiming that legalizing undocumented aliens could be the worst catastrophe that could happen to the United States of America. A review of the arguments presented thus far, however, would lead one to the conclusion that the best bet for the country would be to grant legal status to the illegal immigrants now residing in the country. In the first place, these people – some of whom have already been in the country for more than two decades – have been great contributors to the economy, performing jobs that White Americans either do not want or cannot fill. As Griswold (2004) said, the economy of the country is endlessly creating low-skilled jobs which could not be filled by American workers. He cited two reasons: first, Americans are getting older because of a rather low population growth rate, and low-skilled jobs usually demand younger, hardworking, manual workers; second, Americans, who have lately become better educated, are now going for the high-skilled, higher-paying jobs, leaving not enough manpower to tend to the low-skilled jobs. Even American businessmen appreciate the availability of these illegal immigrants for such low-paying jobs. Another argument in favor of legalization is its humanity and kindness. Once these people acquire legal status, they could work for better economic condition. Their legal status would enable them to move freely and look for better jobs which would enable them to acquire more benefits like health insurance and pension plans. In other words, legalization would eventually humanize these illegal immigrants. After what they have done and continue to do for the national economy – doing the dirty jobs that Americans simply cannot do – they certainly deserve to be treated like human beings (Griswold, 2004). Reference Griswold, D. (2004). Legalization is the way. Cato Institute. Retrieved November 8, 2007 from   

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Leadership and Management Essay

Education is a very important institution due to the role it plays in transmitting social skills and knowledge required of any member of the society (Hofman, Gray & Daly, 2004). It is worth noting that the levels of development of a country’s education systems bears close correlation to the economic and social conditions that the said country will afford. It is therefore upon members of the society and the education system to ensure that members of the society achieve as much as possible from this system. High attainment in eduction is far much beneficial than low level education in the modern society due to the high level of educational attainment. A doctorate degree is currently what an undergraduate degree was in the 1990’s (Hofman, Gray & Daly, 2004). The level of educational attainment requires an individual to posses at least a masters degree to stand out among others. The need to stand above others and gain some advantage over them in the competitive job market is the main reason for my pursuance of a doctoral degree. In choosing educational leadership and management of higher institutions in Singapore the key consideration was my vocation. I have personally worked in the educational field in different capacity. Having served as an assistant head of international programs at Crestar institute, human resource management with a Christian association, lectured English at Kaplan city campus and being a full time consultant trainer at NTUC, my life has centred around management and higher institution of learning. Understanding the nature of higher education leadership and management in Singapore is therefore relevant to my career. Relevance of USQ Doctorate studies is about mastery and application of principles and theories studied in class. A doctorate graduate should be able to analyse and relate issues related to their area of specialisation by giving varied dimension. Doctorate graduates are expected to be above other levels not just in their approach to thinking but they must also display high levels of norms and values expected of the society (Mok, 2006). Mastery of principles that are relevant to the needs of the society, and the development of norms and values that are expected of the society are just but a few of the benefits expected of a USQ professional doctorate; it is thus clear that the program not only makes better specialists but also better members of the society by integrating the values of determination, team spirit and courage into the students. The role played by the education system just like any other social systems cannot be done by any other system. Propagation of social norms and development of skills that are relevant to the needs of the society are some of the objectives of the education system. Though the education systems is one of the oldest institution, the development of the higher educations sector in Singapore is a recent event. Singapore’s education system though quite organised as compared to its neighbours’ is faced with a number of challenges (Lee & Fredriksen, 2008). Most challenges in the education system can be traced to the management and leadership of the education system. Despite the education system being a social systems it still falls prey to the effects of partisan politic. The involvement of the central government on educational matter cannot be avoided since the education system is under the government’s care, however, the education system should be shielded from the negative effects of poor politics. Corruption lack of professional knowledge and nepotisms are some of the issue that affect the education systems at the low level. Researching on education management and leadership in higher education sector not only develops my research skills but also ensure awareness on issues that affect management and leadership of higher education sector and is therefore relevant to efficient delivery in future. Personal Capabilities Doctorate studies require good academic background and interest in the area of study. Determination defines me; level of education attainment and the nature of jobs that I have been involved in give me the experience and skills required to undertake a doctorate course. I am well versed in the management of the education system and problems faced by low level personnel like tutors and professors. My position places me in a situation where I can look at the issues from both the management and implementation level which is a capability that few have. My academic qualification is beyond question for I am a holder of a masters degree in education. I therefore possess the skills and qualification required of doctorate degree and there is no cause for worry on my abilities. Literature Review The education system thought critical to the development of the society is no stranger to controversy. Implementation of the education system goals has especially been under fire with some coming up with the view that the education system, just like any other social system is responsible for social reproduction (Kassem, Mufti & Robinson, 2006). The education systems is seen by such critics as a tool used by those in power to ensure they maintain their position while disregarding the needs of the less empowered. It is quite true that commercialisation of education has led to increase in levels of educational attainment. Increase in levels of educational attainment is characterised by increase in the cost of acquiring higher education. The costs of education at a level that is relevant to the development of technical skills required by the job market is high and borders exploitation (Kassem, Mufti & Robinson, 2006). Projection shows that the cost of education is likely to go up with increase in demand for education. This is blamed on commercialisation of education which has made it business like and therefore probe to the market forces of supply and demand the only differences being that the demand is always on a high. On the other hand, the commercialisation of education and strategies developed by the government and other stakeholders who are blamed for the problems facing education by social reproduction theorists is cited as the first step towards the development of the high education sector (Mok, 2006). Take China as an example, the reforms which included allowing privatisation of the higher education sector and formulation and implementation of cost sharing mechanism are cited as the key driving factors to the levels of development achieved (Mok, 2006).

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Readers Response to Writing Badly Essay

In his essay, â€Å"The Importance of Writing Badly,† Bruce Ballenger encourages students to write freely and to not worry about finding the â€Å"perfect way of saying it.† I feel by saying this he means to not worry about what you’re writing and it may not necessarily be perfect, but that you write what you are thinking and continue writing even if it’s bad or may not make sense. He means to put all your thoughts down on paper and start from there. Ballenger gives his students permission to write badly. He expresses that â€Å"when the writing stops, so does the thinking.† He also states that he is far more interested in encouraging thinking than error-free sentences and concise, clear writing. Do I agree with Bruce Ballenger? I feel that I absolutely agree with him. If you would have asked me in High School if I agreed, I would have said no. My English teacher in High School was much like the teacher Ballenger describes in this essay as Mrs. Oâ⠂¬â„¢Neill. Every paper we had to write had nothing but red pen marks correcting bad sentences. Or as Ballenger put it â€Å"some high priest of good grammar whose angry scribbling occupied the margins of our papers.† She was much more critical of our grammar and punctuation then what we were writing. This was very discouraging to me and a lot of my fellow classmates. I then became more critical of myself as a writer and how I was writing and not what I was writing. I was paying more attention to other details instead of what I was thinking about writing, which ended up making it very stressful to write. So by the end of my English class, I was fairly decent with grammar. In fact friends and family of mine occasionally have asked me to proof read papers of theirs, and I find myself doing nothing but fixing grammar issues instead of actually reading the paper for the story it is. I agree with Ballenger when he says that clear writing matters and should be demanded, but that it should not be the first thing important when you start writing a paper. You can always go back a nd fix grammar and punctuation issues, but you sometimes may not get your thoughts or ideas back that you were thinking of to be able to express what you wanted to write after lifting the pen from the paper. Before reading the text, just looking at the title I thought this was just going to be about writing bad and not worrying about what you are writing. And really it is, but the text was more than that and made me realize that writing isn’t about how you write; it is more about what you write about. It’s about getting to what you are writing about and the process it takes to get there. More than just writing words down and making sure you use the words correctly. It’s about expressing what you are really thinking about and writing down your thoughts to begin with. I will take Ballenger’s advice because I feel I will have more to say after free writing and brainstorming my topics and by doing that I will have more effective essays. Ballenger ends this es say with â€Å"And what matters in this journey-at least initially-is not what kind of car you’re driving, but where you end up.† I think what Ballenger means by this is that it doesn’t matter how perfect you write. What matters is that you get the ideas you have and the point you are trying to make across in your writing. And in the end having your thoughts down, you will write the paper you are trying to write even if that means that the writing you initially write is not perfect.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Effects of Alcohol on the Human Body Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Effects of Alcohol on the Human Body - Essay Example Alcohol is the only type of beverage that once adopted as a heavy drinker, cannot simply withdraw as it causes various chronic diseases in situations where a heavy drinker is forced to quit alcohol intake. "Alcohol travels through the bloodstream by simply entering the main tissues of the mouth and throat. After reaching the stomach it searches the outlet and after founding it open, it passes into small intestine thereby absorbing every single drop of it. In case the outlet of stomach is closed, stomach walls don't take longer to absorb the alcohol. The bloodstream then distributes the alcohol uniformly throughout the body. In this manner, the alcohol reaches the brain and other parts of the body". (ACS) "Blood is the main distributor of alcohol, which virtually transfers it to every cell in the body. In nursing mothers it rapidly enters the breast milk. In pregnant women it crosses the placenta and thus reaches the unborn child as well". (Zamula, 1986) Although alcohol affects the entire human body but there are particular parts of the body that are resistant to the harmful effects of alcoholism. In general, according to alcohol consumption alters health by one of the following mechanisms: Liver and Pancreas are the most affected organs that are subjected to alcohol exposure as liver is the major organ for metabolism of ethanol and it is this metabolism, with subsequent altered cellular homeostasis, that is thought to be central to the pathogenesis of alcoholic liver disease (Lieber, 1995). Metabolism of ethanol results in the production of a toxic metabolite substance called acetaldehyde that can bind irreversibly to cellular proteins and enzymes. In addition, complexes of acetaldehyde with various cellular proteins may form the basis of a cellular immune response directed toward the hepatocyte (Hoerner et al., 1988). Metabolism of ethanol also results in the production of hydrogen, which when interacts with carbohydrate metabolism and mitochondrial function is subjected to accumulate fat within the liver called alcoholic fatty liver (Lieber, 1995) which is main cause of liver failure. The abuse of alcohol is a frequent cause of anemia, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia. These complications of alcoholism arise as a result of: 1) Direct effects of alcohol on the bone marrow, 2) Associated nutritional deficiencies especially of folic acid and pyridoxine, and 3) Alcohol-induced liver injury. (Ammerman et al, 1999, p. 79) Alcohol During Pregnancy - Fatal Alcohol Syndrome Alcoholism during pregnancy leads to a disease called "Fatal Alcohol Syndrome" (FAS), which is marked by reducing birth weight and size, small head circumference of the foetus, microophthamalia, micrognathia, an elongated upper lip, ear abnormalities, and mental retardation. So, alcohol effects the foetus following lower or mild doses of alcohol, may lead to mild abnormalities, learning problems, and behavioral disturbances in the child. The placenta is readily permeable to alcohol in

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Health law assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Health law assignment - Essay Example nd Affordable Care Act (PPACA)2 by the congress was not to be perceived as an act of the government requiring that all citizens should purchase a health insurance for its own sake, but rather should be perceived from the point of view that it is a law seeking to cover universal risks (). In this respect, any legislation that seeks to cover universals risks of the citizens falls under the powers of the federal government to regulate activities that â€Å"substantially affect† interstate commerce. Thus, the introduction of the collision insurance, under the â€Å"Collision Insurance Requirement and Traffic Safety Act (CIRTSA)†, is a measure that falls under the same category of protecting universal risks. This is because, the introduction of collision insurance is targeted at ensuring that all citizens have their cars covered on the event of an accident, not for the sake of their own cars, but to protect the universal risks that are exposed to citizens when their cars cla sh. This is because; the loss of individuals’ cars during a car clash has the negative effect of causing such individuals to undergo high financial blows, while also affecting the livelihoods of the individuals, through negative consequences such as losing jobs. Therefore, through the introduction of the collision insurance, the universal livelihoods and interests of the people will be protected, since they will be compensated for their losses when their cars clash, thus helping them avoiding the financial blows, as well as avoid losing their jobs. In this respect therefore, the introduction of the â€Å"Collision Insurance Requirement and Traffic Safety Act (CIRTSA)† falls under the mandate of the federal power to regulate activities that â€Å"substantially affect† interstate commerce, because it is meant to protect the universal risks to all citizens, which is within the federal mandate under this clause. Secondly, under the ruling in the case Gonzales v. Raich [2005] 545 U.S. 1, it was provided

Deconstruction paper on the book GUTS Coursework

Deconstruction paper on the book GUTS - Coursework Example n the book â€Å"Guts- Companies that Blow the Doors off Business-as-Usual† as an excellent source of leadership models and success stories, which can best illustrate the essential leadership strategies for the current business environment. Some organizations or individuals sometimes surpass our highest expectations when the way they manage downward spiral goes unusual, gutsy, and notably innovative. The post-9/11 success story of South West Airlines is an example for such a gutsy stance taken at the time of dramatic business downturn (Kevin & Freiberg 2004, p.11). In addition to theoretical aspects, such success stories with practical evidence have considerable impact on business world because they tend to force entrepreneurs to review their present strategies. The concept implied in this work is that though diverse workforce and elements are to be integrated with an organization, group objectives of the company is of primary importance; and at the same time, it is essential to notice if the workers are guided to the best effect of the organization with right motivation. Leadership with such sense of motivation ‘leading through words, inspiring through trust and empathy’ (Bennis 2009, p.159) - is not only needed for business organizations, but they are useful also for large scale non-profit organizations or voluntary service sectors. ‘Guts’ meets the required standard of a reference book that contains both conceptual and practical conviction on leadership to a new entrepreneur. Given below is the vision statement of the non-profit organization I would initiate in future. The organization will use all potential tools that fit with its core values in order to integrate essential socio-economic, ethnic, and cultural ideals so that the total program will meet the highest standard in all interpersonal relationship with its benefactors, stakeholders, volunteers, beneficiaries, and the public as a whole. According to Kouzes & Posner (2007, p.227), this

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Discussion Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Discussion - Article Example This means that even though the actual cause of the firefighter’s death was the fire, Andy and Tara had no intention to commit a murder. However, their criminal offence of arson resulted to the death of firefighters. This implies that the Tara and Andy were responsible for the death. In this regard, as a district attorney I have basis to charge them murder. John and Mary intention was to rob a drug dealer. It worth to note even though they completed their mission, John was left behind resulting to the shooting and death of the drug dealer. Before the robbery, John and Mary had no intention to kill the drug dealer even though John was armed. The fact that the two had conspired to undertake the robbery, Mary’s conviction to robbery and conspiracy to commit robbery was correct. However, it was not collect to charge her for murder. On his part, John should have been convicted of conspiracy to commit robbery, robbery and

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Short answer questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Short answer questions - Assignment Example As more red blood cells pass through the tissue, warmth (calor) sets in. Increase in vascular permeability results in fluid to shifting into the connective tissue that causes edema. Vasodilation and thickening of blood encourages leucocytes to stick to blood vessels. Margi nation occurs and leucocytes crawl between the endothelial cells and enter the inflamed tissues. Phagocytosis occurs, microbes are engulfed and destroyed by white blood cells and lastly tissue repair begins (Lydyard & Whelan, 2011).An example when a malaria protozoan enters the body through mosquito bite, the body’s immune becomes active, there is increase in white blood cell circulation. An individual presents with pain and fever. Edema might set in later phase. Inflammation can be classified according to exudate, period, site, and etiology. Based on exudate, inflammations result in fluid accumulation in the tissues. These inflammations can be suppurative inflammation where pus forms resulting into a skin abscess, serous where thin watery exudate forms. An example is blister. In etiology, inflammation can be either aseptic or septic. Aseptic are chemical substance radiations while septic are living organisms that result into inflammation. Based on location, inflammation occurs in different regions of the body depending on the causative agent, for example, tuberculosis causes inflammation of the lungs. Duration depends on the type of hypersensitivity (Lydyard & Whelan, 2011). Type I like insect bites take shorter period to manifest than Type IV where graft transplanting takes 3 days to manifest. The immune system provides three lines of defenses. The first line of defense is made up of nonspecific barriers. This includes chemical and physical barriers that prevent foreign agents from penetrating the outer layer of the body. These barriers are the skin, the mucous membrane, hair, tears, sweat saliva, gastric secretions, and cerumen. The second line of defense consists of leucocytes.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Information Technology as an Element of Competitive Advantage Term Paper

Information Technology as an Element of Competitive Advantage - Term Paper Example Another example of a company that uses IT as an element of competitive advantage is Amazon. Management thinks that it should insert new services to its Web site to draw the interest of customers habitually. Amazon constantly enhances the appearance of its Web pages and the range of products/services it offers. It advances from being a simple book seller to a sophisticated provider of â€Å"best-seller lists, readers’ reviews, and authors’ interviews† (Oz, 2008, 57); offering a remarkably wide array of consumer products/services. The continuous developments help Amazon sustain its leading position and competitive advantage in Internet retailing. Yet, every one of these features has been copied by competitors. Amazon then decided to add Web hosting services into their list of offerings.   There are two ways of exploiting information technology to attain competitive advantage: first, as an important product/service offered to customers; and, second, as an organiza tional backup for product/service which is imperceptible to the customers. With highly technological products/services, it is usually very tricky to sustain a competitive advantage, because, as repeatedly mentioned above, competitors are good imitators. This may be specifically factual in the field of IT (Zoephel, 2011). For instance, the life expectancy of products/services in numerous technology-based companies, like laptops or semiconductors, is brief. High-tech companies aim to develop a new product or a modified one.... Information technology can help an organization maintain competitive advantage if it continually changes and improves the system, building a dynamic and inimitable target for competitors (Oz, 2008). A perfect illustration is an online airline reservation site—American Airlines’ Sabre. In the 1950s, the system was created. But in the latter part of the 1970s, the system was re-created to provide a more convenient service for travel agents, online reservation. However, the company developed the Agency Data Systems-- an office computerization system for travel agents (Oz, 2008, 236). The reservation site currently includes limousine rentals, train tickets, car rentals, hotel reservations, and theater schedules. When the Internet eventually became widely accessible, the reservation site was redeveloped to give travelers the option to log in to Sabre from the comfort of their own homes or workstation. The site has been very profitable that in several years Sabre generated mo re profit from IT than from its airline services. Another example of a company that uses IT as an element of competitive advantage is Amazon. Management thinks that it should insert new services to its Web site to draw the interest of customers habitually. Amazon constantly enhances the appearance of its Web pages and the range of products/services it offers. It advances from being a simple book seller to a sophisticated provider of â€Å"best-seller lists, readers’ reviews, and authors’ interviews† (Oz, 2008, 57); offering a remarkably wide array of consumer products/services. The continuous developments help Amazon sustain its leading position and competitive advantage in Internet retailing. Yet, every one of these

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Capitalist and Social Democracies & Cause Effect Relationship Essay Example for Free

Capitalist and Social Democracies Cause Effect Relationship Essay Quality of Life The quality of life of nation has always been the most important concern of any of the economic as well as the political theories. And there have been a number of parameters that are required to be looked upon so that quality of life of a nation can be explained on a broader scale. Technical financial terms like GDP per person are very much materialistic in characteristic and hence cannot be considered as a sufficient parameter to indicate the current status of the nation’s quality of life. Some of the literatures have made recognizable adjustments in GDP factor by quantifying other important facets that are left behind while considering GDP measure. The other considerable non market activities are social ills, environmental pollution and many others. But this approach has its own difficulties because it requires the assignment of numerical or monetary values to the various factors that constitute of a wider measure of socio-economic wellbeing and hence a number of processes have been developed to figure out a conclusive remark related to the quality of life while depending on a number of factors that make way for the proposed conclusion. The main purpose of all the attempts has been to make out a list of variables that can be considered as a determinant of quality of life. These measures have undergone a number of selection biases and there have been corresponding arbitrariness in those factors which have been chosen to access quality of life. The indicators that represent those factors have been assigned weights so that a single systematic measure could be achieved. The GDP has its own substantive purpose and despite all its shortcomings it has sufficiently been able to depict clear meaning to the prices that have objective weights for the goods and services that make it up. The proposal suggests that the quality of life can be considered as an outcome depending on nine different factors. The factors and the indicators that are used to represent those factors are: 1. Material wellbeing: It depicts the average GDP of a nation i.e., GDP per person or per capita income. Indicator for this factor has been GDP per person, at PPP in $. It quantifies the very material or average prosperity of the nation. This material well-being is also very importance in enabling elderly people especially senior citizens to retain their independence in later life. 2. Health: This factor has its importance while quantifies the physical as well as mental health of the people. Indicators for this factor are life expectancy at birth and the average age of both male and female. 3. Political Stability and security: The overall development and policy of a nation is a multiple of this factor. The country is being provided ratings while depending on one of the nation as some base. 4. Family life: The condition of a family on an average is an indication of family life of the nation. The divorce rates are being given the status of indicator for quantifying this factor. The divorce rate per 1,000 populations is being converted into index of 1 to 5 with increasing number showing negative trend. 5. Community Life: A factor with value 0 or 1. The null value corresponds lower interest of common public in community life while 1 being assigned to those countries where community life often takes place in form public gathering either at church or trade meetings. 6. Climate and geography: This factor is being indicated through latitude values depicting warmer and colder climatic conditions of the nation. 7. Job Security: This factor is self explanatory and is being indicated through unemployment rate expressed in percentage. 8. Political Freedom: A mean to represent the condition of political and civil liberties with values ranging from 1 to 7 where 1 depicts completely free environment while 7 is provided to an excessively closed political condition . 9. Gender Equality: A very crucial social factor for the quantification of male and female social, economic and financial status with indicator being the ratio of average male and female earnings. The above mentioned variables cover a very broad range of areas that can affect the quality of life of a nation. There a number of other variables that can also affect this quality of life like the education levels, the rate of real GDP growth and income inequality. But in real sense this education level is little correlation between education and life satisfaction and this education level later decides income and finally health. But at the same time, this wellbeing has been found to get under negative influence in case of the job being poorly attuned to academic background of the person as well as its needs and aspirations. Hence this sophisticated tests being done over the above mentioned variables has strong correlation with simple measure of life satisfaction with considerations of both individual and behavioral measures. Cause and effect Analysis The Quality of life has been considered as the function with variables falling in almost six different domains. Under Material Wellbeing, the variables have been none other than the GDP and PPP. These factors are the very reason behind higher state of Material wellbeing. The value of GDP is actually aggregate marketed income of a country and at the same time depicts four different components that measure up to depict well being. The four components are effective per capita consumption flows, net societal accumulation of stocks of productive resources, income distribution poverty and inequality and finally economic insecurity. Health is another domain. The variables that fall under this category are life expectancy at birth i.e., infant mortality and average age. It can be indexed as physical quality-of-life index thereby attempting to measure the quality of life or well being of a nation. The numeric value of the factors associated with it is derived from infant mortality, life expectancy and average age with values ranging from 0 to 100. Family and community is a very important factor which relates the internal condition of a family as well its social participation as an indicator of condition at the level of smallest unit level. The indicators for the quantification of this factor are divorce rate, gender equality and social gathering. Divorce rate is measured per 1000 families while the values related to gender equality and social gathering are decided on arbitrary pattern after comparing the data with some standard nation. Figure (Fishbone diagram for cause and effect analysis Quality of life) Political Stability is another extra personal factor which has its own impact. The country’s political condition is a sharp reflection of what policies does the country takes for boosting social and political stability. The better the political condition the better will be the future direction. Every thing right from security, freedom, development as well as country and its people’s future direction in terms of financial gain and income depends on the political condition. The indicators for the political scenario of a nation are stability, security, freedom etc. which are assigned some value according to the some established norms or formula. Environment is another factor which has a deciding importance in country’s quality of living. The climate and geography are the indicators which are assigned some value play as variable while determining the quality of life. If we look at the list of nations in between Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn, the climatic condition over the region is almost the same and at the same time, almost all of the nations in this particular area are either developing or under developed. Hence the geography and climate has its own impact of quality of life. Apart from all the above mentioned factors, some auxiliary factors are also equally valuable. Job security and inflation are some of the few such indicators making an impact on quality of life. Social Democracy, Capitalist Democracy quality of life Nation’s democratic condition is very much responsible in causing any effect on factors that make way for defining the quality of life. The material well which is indicated by the GDP and PPP is considered to perform strongly in a capital democracy if compared with social democracy. Now more money will get translated into better spending in health care and hence indicators like life expectancy and average life should be expected to be of higher order in case of capitalist democracy but the ground situation is very much different. The world’s biggest capitalist democracy i.e., US has reformed its welfare programs in the year 1996 but the new provisions in the welfare act failed to provide both health and social benefits to under privileged. The health inequality is at its peak. Despite being one of the biggest spenders in health sector, its performance on health care index is much less than other OECD nations but the personal care policy that has been followed in social economy of United Kingdom and Ireland has helped in giving better results like prolonging life expectancy. The two types of democracies have different philosophies on issues like political freedom, justice and social security. The idea for the development of next generation is to make way for equality of political and economic participation and at the same time basic chances of life for social justice expanded from legal and material preconditions for freedom and equal rights to equal dignity. Political freedom has to be expanded from self determination of government to the taking charge of own life. Capitalist democracy has defined equal opportunity as providing uniformity in life but social democracy expands it to create space for developing personal predilections and talents.   The different approaches for the factors in case of social and capital democracies have made way for separate behavior of the same indicators in determining the performance of the nations on quality of life index. Subject for study The purpose of the proposed paper is to figure out relationship between above mentioned indicators and the quality of life in two different environments with one being capital democracy while the other one being social democracy. The democratic condition of a nation defines the very state of its people and their way of living. The points which have to be figured out in the study of the subject is the effect of the two type of democracies on each of the indicators and then how these changes will cause the change in quality of life of the nation and its people. Measurement Each of the indicators has to be given some numeric value. These values are assigned on specific formulas and techniques that will either be in accordance with those used by UN or if necessary new formulas will be developed. The quality of life is the output function with final value being proportional to the values of the indicators. Data Collection Methods The next step is that of data collection. The data which has to be used for analysis is more of secondary in nature with most of them being categorized into three basic types. †¢ Documentary – with material in form written text or non written materials. †¢ Multiple Source – area based sources which are basically local journals and country exploration. †¢ Survey – public surveys while taking each and every class into account. It can be censuses or ad-hoc surveys The above mentioned types of secondary information have to be extracted from books, journal articles, newspapers magazines, conference papers, UN reports, archives, electronic database, internet, etc. The majority of the data will get utilized in figuring out a complete literature review with information gathered would give details of different indicators of quality of life, factors affecting those indicators and how are these going to behave in case of the two democracies that has been considered for discussion. In the present research we will generally lean on secondary data and the surveys will have to be done in two nations. For Capitalist democracy, United States of America has to be explored while for Social democracy, Ireland has been taken as case study. The details of a public survey can be taken from the surveys of United Nation and other reliable sources and the same could be used for the analysis in this case. Analysis The data obtained through the various methods discussed above would be either quantitative or qualitative. Since the research requires interpretation of data that is likely to be enormous is quantity with proper statistical analysis. Quantitative analysis of the data is more likely to be secondary and exploratory in nature requiring proper summarising. The data that has been obtained through survey would mostly be categorical and will require proper scale based ranking. Qualitative analysis of data is expected to be used more if it is being compared with quantitative analysis. It will require quantification up to certain degree but an overall non-quantifying method is more likely to be used through the data analysis and interpretation process and finally comparison of the final output. This would begin with categorisation according to possible unitisation, making out relations and then developing categories to facilitate it, and developing and testing hypotheses to reach conclusion. Schedule The whole process has to be divided into a number of phases. The first phase is the analysis of the research problem according to the theoretical framework. The maximum required time for first phase analysis is one week. The outcome of this analysis will decide the type of data to be arranged or searched for full fledged analysis. The data search is mainly secondary in nature and the sources for the same are in the form of documentary, journals, research paper and surveys. The important thing is source reliability. There has to be at least two mid term analysis so that quality of the collected data that has been collected so far can be checked. The schedule for the whole project is as follows: Object Statement Analysis : 1 week Data Search (First phase) : 3 weeks Data Analysis (Mid term) : 1 week Data Search (Second phase) : 3 weeks Data Analysis (Mid term) : 1 week Data Search (Third phase) : 3 weeks Data Analysis (Final) : 3 weeks Report Documentation : 1 week Total : 16 weeks Budget The main part of the total expenditure is in making this project will get utilized in data collection. Since the data collection is basically secondary in nature and most of them are freely available so the actual cost to be incurred in the same is in tune of $1000-$1500. So the maximum possible budgetary requirement is around $1500. Conclusion The final report project will have the following format: 1. Title 2. Research Question 3. Literature Review 4. Research Methodology 5. Conceptual Framework 6. Primary Research 7. Analysis 8. Findings 9. Conclusions Recommendations 10. References References National Governors Association (2005), A National Health Care Innovations Program: A proposal to increase the cost-effectiveness and quality of the U.S. health care system. U. S. Department of Health and Human Resources (2003), Steps to a Healthier US: A Program and Policy Perspective. The Power of Prevention. European Observatory on Health Care Systems (1999), Health Care Systems in Transition: United Kingdom, WHO Regional Office, Europe. Osberg, L. Sharpel, A., Comparisons of Trends in GDP and Economic Well-being the Impact of Social Capital Huo, J, Nelson, M. Stephens, J. (2006) Decommodification and Activation in Social Democratic Policy Resolving the Paradox Nueva Sociedad (2007) Social Democracy in the 21st Century Economist Intelligence Unit (2005) Quality-of-life index: The Economist Intelligence Unit’s quality-of-life Index [Online] Available from: Campbell, A., Phil C., Rodgers, W. (1976). The Quality of American Life. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. Diener, E., Sandvik, E., Seidlitz, L. Diener, M. (1993) â€Å"The Relationship Between Income and Subjective Well Being: Relative or Absolute? Social Indicators Research. Esping-Andersen, G. (1990) The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Frey, B. S. and Alois S.( 2002). Happiness and Economics. Princeton, NJ: Princeton Univeristy Press. Elazar, D. (1984). American Federalism: A view from the states. New York: Thomas Crowell.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Maternal Nutrition During Pregnancy

Maternal Nutrition During Pregnancy Reflection on maternal nutrition during pregnancy and advice given to a client The aim of this assignment is to reflect on my learning experience and the time spent with a midwife in an antenatal clinic advising pregnant women on a nutritional diet for a healthy pregnancy. Also, the reflection helped me recognise a negative aspect of my experience, as well as focus on the positive part of the event. For this essay I will use Gibbs’ (1988) type of reflective cycle. The model contains six phases necessary to complete one cycle of reflection associated with description of an event; my feelings and deep thoughts, evaluation and analysis of the case, examination of the whole situation and summary of my experience. My second clinical placement was in an antenatal clinic in a hospital. On the day I worked with a registered midwife providing nutritional advice to pregnant women. According to the Nursing and Midwifery Council (2015), in order to protect the chosen woman and her partner’s anonymity, I will refer to them utilising the pseudonyms Anne and Tom. Anne arrived on time for her appointment with the midwife. She was a twenty two year old lady, primigravida, nine weeks plus one day pregnant. Also, Anne had a body mass index (BMI) of 23, and her pregnancy was unplanned, but she was excited to discuss her nutritional needs with us. After welcoming Anne and introducing ourselves, I obtained a verbal consent from the client to participate and discuss nutritional issues during her pregnancy. The midwife knew me well as we had worked together almost a week. I had some experience managing and recording maternal observation, but she was aware that I had never presented nutritional information directly to a woman. At first, the midwife advised me to get familiar with the hospital policy and procedural guidance about food and nutrition during pregnancy. A day before Anne’s appointment, the midwife and I discussed the subject of high nutritional requirements and the appropriate diet to be maintained throughout the pregnancy. I began my interview with Anne by communicating in a friendly and professional manner in order to establish a positive attitude to her future maternity care. After that Anne was asked some general questions in relation to her food preferences and allergies. At all times I was closely supported and supervised by the midwife, and as the discussion progressed I felt more confident in providing Anne with the required details for a healthy diet. I explained that a healthy eating is essential throughout pregnancy and a variety of different types of food is recommended to help the mothers stay fit and well. In addition, I indicated that plenty of fruits and vegetables of different colours will provide the body with essential vitamins, minerals and fibre, which will help the digestive system and prevent constipation. Anne remarked that she felt nausea in the mornings and that she could only tolerate certain foods. She added that meals did not taste the same as before. Also, she indicated tha t her stomach got upset and her appetite considerably diminished following the smell of certain foods. Next, the midwife got involved in the conversation and reassured Anne that morning sickness in the early days was completely normal, but as long as it was not severe would resolve by 16 to 20 weeks of pregnancy. Moreover, the midwife suggested that getting up slowly from bed in the morning may reduce the symptoms. Also, Anne was advised to drink plenty of clear fluids and to eat something dry, such as a toast or crackers for breakfast. I added that eating frequently small snacks and avoiding heavy meals can improve food intake significantly. Furthermore, Anne was encouraged to drink approximately two litres of water a day. It was essential for her body system to work perfectly and to prevent dehydration. On the other hand, soft fizzy drinks contain high amount of carbohydrates and could lead to overweight. Particular attention was paid to meals containing substantial amounts of sugar, salt and fat. The National Health Service (NHS) (2009) states that an increased amount of saturated fat can lead to overweight and heart disease. Furthermore, the midwife went through all the information about protein meals, dairy food and carbohydrates. In addition, Anne was informed about some foods and drinks which were unsafe in pregnancy, as they may harm or cause severe malformation of the fetus. For example, daily consumption of caffeine needs to be limited to 200mg. There are concerns that high amounts of it can cause miscarriage or delivery of an infant with low birth weight. Alcohol intake is completely forbidden, due to the fact that it can affect the foetus’s development. Risk of Salmonela virus can be avoided by cooking all meat and eggs thoroughly. Another harmful bacteria to pregnant women is Listeriosis, found in soft cheeses, unpasteurised milk, shellfish and undercooked meat (NHS, 2009). However, listeria can be destroyed by cooking all type of meat, eggs and ready meals thoroughly (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence [NICE], 2014). I briefly informed Anne about some of the important vitamins and minerals she needed throughout pregnancy. For instance, folic acid, vitamin D, iron, vitamin C and calcium. For example, the daily recommended dose of folic acid in the first trimester of pregnancy is 400mcg (NICE, 2014). The midwife added that frequent intake of folic acid can diminish the risk of having an infant with health issues such as spina bifida. Furthermore, a nutrition brochure was offered to Anne and she was advised to read it. Finally, Anne was encouraged to take daily supplements due to the high level of vitamins and minerals required in pregnancy. Anne appreciated the nutrition-related details, but at the same time she looked overwhelmed with information. Initially, I was somewhat anxious and hesitant to speak in front of a client and to provide Anne with evidence based information on nutrition in pregnancy. However, as the client became comfortable and appeared willing to understand the importance of healthy eating while pregnant, I felt confident communicating with her. Moreover, it was essential that I was supported by my mentor and encouraged to move outside of my comfort zone. The midwife and I felt united throughout our preparation for the interview with the client and we built strong cooperative skills. Sloper (2004) identified that cooperative working is beneficial for the clients, as it increases their satisfaction of care provided and builds trust in staff members. Nevertheless, I felt that Anne was overloaded with information. It might have been more helpful to present a smaller amount of educational materials over several meetings, rather than the bulk of it in one single session. However, Anne was pleased with the information presented, as we tried to focus on her individual needs. Some studies show that an antenatal education increases women’s knowledge and helps them choose a variety of healthy meals during the pregnancy (Feilitzen, Radestad, Hildinsson Hà ¤ggstrà ¶m-Nordin, 2009). However, one of the main problems was that great amount of information was given in a short time. Lavender, Moffat and Rixon (2000), reported that some nutrition information may be given to women in their preconception consultation with a general practitioner. On a few occasions use of medical jargon was observed. England and Morgan (2012) assert that use of medical language in the health sector can create misinterpretation and confusion in clients and this may have a negative effect on their care. Both my mentor and I had prepared well for the session, applying evidence-based information. We had planned the discussion and kept the client engaged with the presentation material. Furthermore, I was guided by my mentor to find relevant sources of dietary information and present them to Anne in a simple way. After the interview I felt more comfortable speaking in front of a client and I realised that it is completely normal to feel nervous. On a few occasions, my mentor used sensitive humour to decrease the level of stress and to stimulate discussion. Moreover, developing a good relationship with my mentor helped me to expand my understanding of what I need to achieve through my clinical placement. Also, I had opportunity to combine my theoretical knowledge with practical experience and reflect on my clinical involvement. It was vital understanding Anne, and I set aside my judgement in order to recognise her current condition of nausea and vomiting. Valuing Anne as an individual and understanding her current condition will boost her belief in health professionals. Studies show that moderate nausea and vomiting during pregnancy do not need medical treatment (Tiran, 2014). Nevertheless, women suffering from this must not be dismissed, but monitored and supported by health care professionals. Specifically, a knowledgeable midwife can advise the women on the use of complementary therapies. The Royal College of Midwives (2014) state that all midwives must have basic knowledge of the advantages and dangers of complementary therapies. On the other hand, if the midwife has little or no understanding of natural remedies, it can lead the clients to seek advice from unreliable sources, such as the internet. Therefore, it may be equally risky for these women, as information provided via internet can sometimes be unsafe or inaccurate. The women must be mentally supported by midwives, as hyperemesis can lead to serious conditions and women isolation (Dean, 2014). Effective communication between a client and a medical practitioner, as well as good nutritional planning, can significantly decrease the symptoms of hyperemesis. Midwives often advise pregnant women to take multivitamin supplements. The best option is to provide vitamins and minerals through a varied diet, such as consuming plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables (NICE, 2014), as this will reduce the need for purchasing expensive supplements. On the contrary, use of over the counter vitamins by pregnant women could falsely raise the sense of security (Coutts, 2000). Moreover, synthetic supplements are often not distinguished by the human body and are excreted in urine or stored up as fat (Nolan, 1998). Additionally, pregnant women should be extra cautious with supplements containing vitamin A, as high levels could be detrimental for the fetus (Blincoe, 2008). The most significant challenge for me in a clinical setting was the ability to listen effectively to my mentor in order to support and advise a healthy pregnant women about the right nutritional choices. Furthermore, it was important to educate our clients about a balanced diet in order to maximize the possibility for growth of a healthy infant. Women with sensible eating habits and normal BMI will provide the fetus with the perfect environment (Seaman, 1997). Alternatively, poor maternal nutrition could affect the growth and development of the normal fetus. Reflecting on that day and analysing the meeting with Anne helped me understand how I can improve presentation of information in the future. I have reviewed the session with my mentor and realise that I can facilitate discussion, rather than just provide information. My mentor openly shared her practical experience with me and this made me realise that I can use posters to visualise the dietary information. For example, next time I can play a short video related to the benefits of healthy eating to prompt further debate. Also, I need to increase my basic nutritional knowledge in order to support women better in their dietary needs. Overall, the involvement in a clinical placement helped me become logical and creative in my future career. Moreover, various information presentation strategies were discussed with my mentor to help me improve my service user presentation in a clinical setting. The benefits of learning by doing increased my understanding of establishing a nutritious diet in pregnant women in order to deliver a healthy infant. From others’ experience and my own mistakes I learnt how to improve in the future.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Psychodelic Drugs Essay -- essays research papers

Psychodelic Drugs Alcohol Alcohol is one of the most widely used drugs in this society. It is accepted as a part of social life. Its use is widely promoted via sponsorship of sporting events. Advertising infers that drinking is the path to happiness, success, romance, etc. There are references to alcohol and its effects from earliest known writings. Alcohol is consumed in the beverage form and sold legally in this state to persons over 21. Alcohol is absorbed directly into the bloodstream through the stomach and small intestine. It is distributed by the blood throughout the body, affecting literally every organ it touches in a matter of minutes. Enzymes in the liver metabolize alcohol at a rate of 10-15 ml (less than one half ounce) per hour. Hence, only time can sober someone up. Coffee, cold showers, or exercise do not work. The warm glow of disinhibition, "letting go" is a major desired effect of alcohol. People feel more sociable and talkative with small amounts of the drug. Alcohol is a relaxant, so many people drink to unwind from the demands of life. Because alcohol has been around for so long, its effects are well-known. Two key concepts to understand in dealing with alcohol use and abuse are impairment and tolerance. They are both problems in themselves and signals of possible additional difficulties. IMPAIRMENT refers to the deficits in performance, judgment, memory, and motor skills which occur because of alcohol consumption. Impairment becomes noticeable at blood levels of 0.05%, which can occur when as few as two drinks are consumed in an hour by a 160 pound person. The deceptive part about impairment is that, by definition, impaired judgment cannot recognize its own impairment. The individual thinks he or she is functioning well, when actually s/he is not. Later, there is impaired memory of the impaired performance. TOLERANCE means that a drug loses some of its effect with repeated use, and that higher and higher doses are needed. It is the body's way of adapting to having a foreign substance in the system. People develop a high tolerance to alcohol when they drink a great deal over an extended length of time. "WHILE T... ...V Class C Misdemeanors some depressants1 Valium-type tranquilizers, some less potent depressants 30 days $500 SCHEDULE V Violation Dilute mixtures, compounds with small amounts of controlled drugs None $1,000 Delivery of less than five grams or possession or less than one ounce of marijuana is a violation. established mandatory evaluation, education and treatment services for those under 18 years old. If services are successfully completed, the charge will be dropped. Alcohol is an illegal drug for those under 21 years of age. For a driver under 18 ANY detectable amount of alcohol (above .00 BAC) is grounds for losing the license. That pretty much sums it up for psychodelic drugs. I hope this proved to you that if you use a psychodelic drug that you should stop, unless it is alchol because it is not as bad as LSD, pcp, or anything you have to inject or snort. So I sign out with I hope you learned something, I mean you had to you could'ent have know all of this information. Biblyography Name Year Type Microsoft Encarta 96' Encyclopedia Dartmouth collage 95' Brochure White House 97' Internet

Thursday, September 19, 2019

OConnors The Lame Shall Enter First :: Lame Shall Enter First Essays

O'Connor's The Lame Shall Enter First "The Lame Shall Enter First" concentrates on the relationship between Sheppard and, on the one hand, his son Norton, and on the other a boy in a reformatory, Johnson. Sheppard's wife is dead and Norton misses his mother. Sheppard can't understand Norton at all and chooses to spend all of his time helping Johnson, who tells him that Satan has him in his power (150). Sheppard of course does not believe in Satan and tries to rationalise the whole situation. He brings Johnson home and Johnson interferes with Norton's mother's belongings which, of course, greatly upsets Norton. Sheppard's reaction to this is that Norton really needs to learn how to share things. Johnson reacts very badly to this and plays Sheppard off against his son. When Sheppard leaves the room after he has told Johnson that he thinks he's good for Norton because Norton needs to share things, Johnson says: "'God kid . . . how do you stand it? . . He thinks he's Jesus Christ!'" (161). As the story proceeds Johnson tries to get Sheppard to see that evil exists and that Satan actually runs the world as he sees it (164). The outcome of the story, as might be expected from the rest of O'Connor's stories, is that Sheppard is unable to use reason to change Johnson. Despite Sheppard's attempts to help Johnson walk better (hence the title "The Lame Shall Enter First") by giving him a wooden leg, Johnson sticks by his notion that what is really wrong with him is evil: Sheppard said . . . "I am going to save you." Johnson thrust his head forward. "Save yourself," he hissed. "Nobody can save me but Jesus." (180) A little later Johnson says to Sheppard: "'The Devil has you in his power'" (185). He then disappears. At the end of the story Johnson is caught by the police in further wrong-doing and Norton commits suicide by hanging himself from the window through which he has been trying to find his mother amongst the stars with a telescope. Towards the end Sheppard realises that he has confused good works with Christian faith. Works won't save you but great faith will: Norton's face rose before him, empty, forlorn, his left eye listing almost imperceptibly toward the outer rim as if it could not bear a full view of grief.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Cult Of True Womanhood Essay examples -- essays research papers

The Cult of True Womanhood The "Cult of True Womanhood" has greatly influenced society throughout all of America's history. This set of standards was first accepted and practiced by all of the European colonies. They were then passed through the generations and, in many cases, still exist. I'll describe the essay, "The Cult of True Womanhood," and discuss my views on it. I'll then illustrate how these standards are still present in today's society. First, I'll discuss the essay. It's easiest to describe this essay if I begin by defining "The Cult of True Womanhood." As I stated the introduction, it is a set of standards. These principles create and have created a strong division between the genders, and therefore, caused tension. Basically, it states that men are to work and make money for the family. A woman's goal was to find a husband and have children. Women were also expected to have four main cardinal virtues - piety, purity, submissiveness, and domestication. Piety is, basically, grace. Women were to expected to always be dainty and lovely. Purity speaks for itself. Women were expected to stay abstinent until marriage. Submissiveness means that the woman should, once married to a man, completely devote herself to him, carrying out his every wish within her power. One very powerful sentence in the essay well represents the woman's goals and values well according to "The Cul...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Difference between diegetic and non-diegetic sound Essay

What is the difference between diegetic and non-diegetic sound? Can they ever be confused? Discuss with reference to at least three recent films. For this essay I shall be highlighting the differences between the two terms; diegetic and non-diegetic sound. I shall also discuss whether or not the terms and their meanings could ever be confused. To help highlight my arguments within this essay I shall reference to films such as â€Å"The Italian Job†, â€Å"Romeo and Juliet† and â€Å"Entrapment†. The final section will hopefully round off the essay with a critical conclusion of the given question and the evidence presented within the essay. Yet sound is perhaps the hardest of all techniques to study†¦ Our primary information about the layout of our surroundings comes from sight, and so in ordinary life sound is often simply a background for our visual attention. (Bordwell.D. & Thompson.K., 1947, Film art : An introduction, Fifth Edition, New York; London : McGraw-Hill.) Sound which can be implied or linked by a character or an action taking place within the context of a scene is often referred to as a diegetic sound. This can include music that is being performed within the ‘film’s world’, such an example could be taken from the film Titanic. The particular scene I am referring to, is when the ship has just started to sink and the band decide to continue playing. ON WALLACE HARTLEY raising his violin to play. HARTLEY Number 26. Ready and — The band has reassembled just outside the First Class Entrance, port side, near where Lightoller is calling for the boats to be loaded. They strike up  a waltz, lively and elegant. The music wafts all over the ship. (Anon, Titanic Script, Another prime example of music being used within a scene of a film as a diegetic source, would be in â€Å"The Crow†. Here we see a mysterious figure playing an electric guitar in a way that has quite a phallic relation to his character. She pauses as she hears a lilting, faraway GUITAR STRAIN. Across the street she can make out the figure of Eric on his roof playing the guitar. (Anon, The Crow Script, Another form of audio use in films which falls under the diegetic category, would be when a character within the scene is talking, singing, shouting etc. My first example to highlight this is taken from Baz Luhrman’s adaptation of â€Å"Romeo and Juliet†. The scene in question is when the Montague’s and Capulet’s meet for the first time. ABRA Do you bite your thumb at us, sir! Sampson’s shaking hand hovers – ready to draw. SAMPSON I do bite my thumb, sir. (Baz Lurhmann’s â€Å"Romeo and Juliet†) Another example, can be taken from the film â€Å"To Die For†. However, with this example the character is talking directly to the audience. SUZANNE STONE MARETTO You aren’t really anybody in America if you’re not on TV. (iMDB, Memorable quotes from To Die For, A final criterion that helps define diegetic sound is the use of natural sounds. For example a car’s engine revving. When sounds like this are used they tend to be highlighted and amplified, so as to draw the audiences’ attention to the relevant action. My first example is taken from the recent re-make of â€Å"The Italian Job†. Here the echo, â€Å"ominous thud†, resonates the seriousness of the situation, i.e. the fact that they are at the worst of their troubles. UNDERWATER – SAME TIME The Humvee strikes the surface bottom with an ominous thud. (, The Italian Job Script, Another example can be taken from the film â€Å"Entrapment†. Here the sound we are focusing on is not amplified a great deal, in fact it seems the director wants the sound to be as quiet as possible. No doubt to tie-in with the secrecy and precision required within the context. †¦Nearby, an ALARM BOX softly BEEPS its 60-second warning to the pulsing of a green light, and the Thief attaches a small computerized DEVICE†¦ However, the interesting point that can be brought about with this example is that even though the sound stops, it receives almost the same if not more attention as when the box was beeping. †¦the right one STOPS. Illuminated in red. The beeping, the green light, go OFF. The device is removed. (, Entrapment Script, The other side to looking at audio within the film environment is non-diegetic sounds. Non-diegetic sound is just as important within films as natural or diegetic sounds. However, it appears that you can spot a lot more use of non-diegetic sounds within science fiction or fantastical films, such as â€Å"Star Wars† and â€Å"Lord of the Rings†. Again this can be broken up into three main criteria. Sound effects are often used to create a ‘real’ sound from an unnatural object, such as a futuristic spacecraft, or as in my next example a light-sabre. Through Lucas’ perserverance and continuity of the light-sabre sound, the constant whirring, the audience is quite accustomed to believing that the light-sabre is an organic object. Just as the ice creature looms over Luke, the lightsaber  jumps into Luke’s hand. The young warrior instantly ignites his sword, swinging up,  and cuts himself loose from the ice. (Smith.K.B, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back Script, However, sound effects don’t just help out futuristic objects gain a realistc ‘life’ they can also be used to exaggerate the movement of a ‘real world’ object. This principle is explained in the following example that briefly talks of â€Å"Mr.Hulot’s Holiday†. Although the door doesn’t make a realistic noise, the sound that replaces it is organic, i.e. natural. much humor arises from the opening and closing of a dining-room door. Instead of simply recording a real door, Tati inserts a twanging sound like a plucked cello string each time the door swings. (, Dimensions of film sound, Narration within a film is also considered a non-diegetic sound, for although it could quite easily link to what is taking place within the scene, it is not an ‘actual’ part of the scene. Such as the characters are not normally aware of this external voice or sound. It is used to best effect when thinking of an adaptation of a classic book or story. An example of a story that used narration throughout the film is â€Å"The Englishman who went up a Hill but came down a Mountain†. Narrator: For some odd reason, lost in the mists of time, there’s an extraordinary shortage of last names in Wales†¦To avoid widespread confusion, Welsh people often add an occupation to a name†¦ But one man’s name was a puzzle, and it wasn’t until I was 10 years old that I asked my grandfather about the man with the longest and most enigmatic name of all. (iMDB, Memorable quotes from The Englishman who went up a hill but came down a mountain, Another take on narration within film, is when the narrator is actually part of the story, but is say, recounting previous events. This normally takes  the audience through the story to the present moment that the narrator/character has found themselves in. For example in the film â€Å"Carlito’s Way†, the main character, Carlito Brigante, is recounting his story of failure from free man, through to his imminent death, Sorry boys, all the stitches in the world can’t sew me together again. Lay down†¦lay down. Gonna stretch me out in Fernandez funeral home on hun and ninth street†¦Getting the shakes now, Last call for drinks, Bars closing down Sun’s out Where are we going for breakfast, Don’t wanna go far Rough night Tired baby†¦ Tired†¦ (iMDB, Memorable quotes from Carlito’s way, You also tend to find that with this kind of narration, i.e. story recounting up to present day, the opening lines or quotes are echoed in the final closing lines. One of the final main criteria of non-diegetic sounds within a film is background or mood music. This is also known as the soundtrack or score. Any attentive filmgoer is aware of the enormous power music holds in shaping the film experience, manipulating emotions and point of view, and guiding perceptions of characters, moods, and narrative events. (Hill.J. & Church.P., 2000, Film studies : critical approaches, Oxford : Oxford University Press) This part of non-diegetic sound is probably the most under-estimated, through the use of mood music the audience can be taken on a rollercoaster of emotions. This use of audio is an essential ingredient to any film. It is very hard stretched, certainly with Hollywood blockbusters, to come across a film that doesn’t employ the technique of atmosphere music or score to shape the feeling of a scene. This next part to this essay should hopefully try and cover similarities between the different criteria of diegetic, and its counter-part, non-diegetic sound. Through this section I shall attempt to answer the question as to whether these two distinctive forms of audio can ever be confused. The way in which I shall do this will be through using the obvious links that are the defining criteria of the different audio types. The comparison shall follow the form of; defining which diegetic criterion and how it relates to the example scene, then the comparison shall follow with the non-diegetic link using the same scene and instance. The first of the three links to be compared shall be the natural voice or sound of the character within the scene. The opening scene of Baz Lurhmann’s adaptation of Romeo and Juliet uses a news reporter, being portrayed as a news programme through the use of the medium close-up of the T.V. set. Here we see a news report that at first glance would seem as a typical bulletin. However, this is when the two different types of sound categorization can become blurred or confused. The reason for this is because the news reporter is actually taking on the role of the narrator as depicted by Shakespeare’s original work. This is also evident through the type of language being used and how it is brought to life with the tone and emphasis. The second example that can be used to highlight when the two conventions become blurred is when a natural or organic sound is reproduced and accentuated through the use of sound effects. We can take a closer look at this argument with a typical western film that has a Hollywood budget attached to it, such as â€Å"Young Guns 2†. When watching a spaghetti western, it’s an unconscious convention that we expect the gun to make quite a prominent sound, from either the initial bang through to the ricochet twang. My feeling is that, the natural sound produced by a gun, particularly props, would not be enough to convince the audience, especially with modern expectations. I feel its at this point when you could call the sound effect that replaces the original sound non-diegetic in respect to it being created artificially. My final example links back to a film I have referenced frequently throughout  this essay, â€Å"Romeo and Juliet†. Music that is rooted within the scene, a band for example, is classed as being diegetic, however mood music is known as non-diegetic. The scene in which Romeo and Juliet first meet is that of a house party. In this house party there’s a typical mini-orchestra and singer performing (Desree – Kissing You), so for arguments sake we could class this as being diegetic for the moment. Yet, when Romeo and Juliet are first engaging each other in secret conversation, the music becomes the mood setting for the background. This is emphasized more when a natural break in the song, serves as an intensifying moment between the two characters. This could then be classed as non-diegetic as it serves to put across the mood between the two lovers of excitement and intrigue. To round of this essay I’m going to finish with a short conclusion about how I feel regarding the essay question. It seems to be that it’s easy enough for us, as the audience, to pigeon hole a sound at first glance. However as with my last cases these sounds might not always fit into the categories you first think they would. It could be a fair point to say then, that rather than being confined to one standardisation, these sounds might actually fluctuate and vary, depending on the scene’s mood and context. Bibliography Books Bordwell.D. & Thompson.K., 1947, Film art : An introduction, Fifth Edition, New York; London : McGraw-Hill. Hill.J. & Church.P., 2000, Film studies : critical approaches, Oxford : Oxford University Press Online Sources, Entrapment Script,, The Italian Job Script, Anon, Titanic Script, Anon, The Crow Script,, Dimensions of film sound, iMDB, Memorable quotes from Carlito’s way, iMDB, Memorable quotes from The Englishman who went up a hill but came down a mountain, iMDB, Memorable quotes from To Die For, Smith.K.B, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back Script, Filmography Amiel.J., 1999, Entrapment Gray.F., 2003, The Italian Job Lucas.G., 1980, Star Wars : The Empire Strikes Back Lurhmann.B., 1996, Romeo and Juliet Monger.C., 1995, The Englishman who went up a hill but came down a mountain Palma.D.B, 1993, Carlito’s Way Proyas.A., 1994, The Crow Sant.V.G., 1994, To Die For

Monday, September 16, 2019

Economic Viability Of Photovoltaic Cell Productions Environmental Sciences Essay

The UK Government and the bulk of developed states ‘ representatives have started paying a batch of attending towards low C breathing engineerings. This proposal is for the production of photovoltaic cells in an economic manner, to do this most abundant and clean fuel the cheapest and best option for people to utilize. Why should we breathe less Carbon in the ambiance, and shall we exchange to the energy resources which are less carbon emitting? Are we cognizant of our environment in which we live? Do we cognize the danger for humanity in the approaching centuries? Can we recognize that we are responsible for the depletion of clean air and other resources from our environment? The reply is NO. People in this money devising universe are non cognizant of their environment and besides they are non interested in taking attention of or their well-being. Increase in the figure of industries across the universe increases the sum of green house gases [ GHG ] emanation ( Mills, 2003 ) . Harmonizing to the 2010 figures obtained from the website State Master 2010, the Carbon emanation is at a unsafe degree in most of the industrialised states. As a consequence of increasing GHG in atmosphere our Earth is confronting a serious climatic alteration ne'er witnessed before. Already a immense hole has been identified in the ozone bed because of the increasing degree of toxin and GHG emanations. Global heating is now turning as a serious issue in all states and full universe is now seeking to take down the degree of toxic substances in atmosphere and to cut down planetary heating. Because of planetary heating glaciers and ice caps started runing in Polar Regions. If planetary heating continues in the same manner so our climatic status will alter drastically which will ensue in the depletion of human sort from Earth ( Weiss, et. Al, 2008 ) . Solar power panels are nil but combination of photovoltaic cells and rectifying tubes. When light falls on the surface of photovoltaic cells, it produces an induced voltage. When 1000s of photovoltaic cells are arranged in a panel and when all of them are connected in series, the electromotive force produced will acquire multiplied, therefore bring forthing a coveted electromotive force that can be used for place applications.Topographic points where you can implement solar power panels:Every street in every state has street visible radiations. All the street visible radiations can be made to work under solar power panels which save the sum of electricity. Solar power panels can be installed in every place to obtain power for running simple electrical contraption in places. The solar powered vehicles can assist finally cut downing the sum of C emanation ( Kaelin et. al. , 2004 ) . If we use solar power in the fabrication sectors so there is a immense possibility of cut downing the em anation of C dioxide in the ambiance.The major cause behind planetary heating:Research workers have found out that most of the climatic job which we face today is because of the emanation of carbon-dioxide. Whatever procedure we do, we emit carbon-dioxide. Industries are seeking to develop new engineerings in order to take down the sum of carbon-dioxide emitted into atmosphere. Apart from the increasing figure of industries there is a drastic lessening in the figure of trees across the universe. This is another major ground for high emanation of C dioxide in ambiance. Though there are many toxic substances emitted in atmosphere, most of the jobs are created merely due to carbon dioxide. So research workers and common people are now seeking to cut down the per centum of C emanation in ambiance.How to cut down C emanation?As we are now forced to cut down the C emanation sum, research workers and engineer are in a Hunt to happen out alternate attack. New methodological analysiss are de veloped and provided to people. When people use those methods finally emanation of C is traveling to be reduced. There are some power coevals methods from which you can achieve zero C emanation. Zero C power coevals methods will utilize natural resources for bring forthing power like hydro power, solar power, air current power, geothermic power and besides atomic power. ( Mckinnon et. al. , 2010 ) . If we use natural gas as our energy beginning we can achieve minimal sum of C emanation. Even if we use natural gas method the sum of C emitted can be captured and stored utilizing advanced methodological analysiss which prevents C from come ining into our ambiance. Everything is in the custodies of current and approaching coevalss as merely they can cut down the sum of C emitted into atmosphere. For illustration, they should seek to minimise the use of cars for unneeded state of affairss, cut down the use of air conditioners and iceboxs, and avoid combustion of fossil fuels and plastics and many more ( Mills, 2003 ) . To maintain our environment safe, it is of import that people around the Earth start utilizing clean fuel. No other fuel can be every bit clean as solar energy resource. We can work out energy related issues by utilizing this beginning. There are few companies who have succeeded in bring forthing photovoltaic cells for mundane usage. Still it is non the most utilised signifier of energy. The intent of this research proposal is to happen ways of doing solar energy use more common.Cardinal issues:Solar energy is a great energy resource. Still there are barriers to its common use. Although the engineering has proven to be environment friendly and more dependable for the future coevalss, it is still non used by multitudes. Marketability of a merchandise depends on several different factors such as affordability, nest eggs, practicality, and handiness in general. At present usage of solar energy is low-cost and practical. Still, people are non utilizing it to the extent they should. They still non gestate it as an economically feasible energy resource for them. In the under developed parts of the universe, there are really few companies which are bring forthing photoelectric cells that can be used by multitudes. The state of affairs, nevertheless, is different in the developed universe. Sing the figures given by Nation Master, if a clean fuel ( photovoltaic cells ) replaces other C breathing signifiers of energy in the developed states, the concerns of conservationists will be taken attention of. The issue here is that, although the photovoltaic cells are proven to be environment friendly, they are now available to multitudes and they are economically feasible excessively, it is still non the preferable fuel for multitudes. How should we travel about replacing all other C breathing beginnings of energy in every office and every place across the state with solar energy? This could be a immense effort, but one that truly should be deserving while, since if these syste ms worked good we could be salvaging the Earth and human sort a batch of heartache sing non renewable energy every bit good as pollution and of class money salvaging for concerns. The inquiry of marketing the merchandise to multitudes is what we need to reply.Research AimsThe aims of my research, in a nutshell, are as follows: To analyze the barriers to advancing solar power coevals and use as a fuel for multitudes. To analyze the implicit in grounds of ‘Why the solar engineering has non been feasible and common so far ‘ . To research if there has been any betterments in the bing engineering to do it be effectual solution to provide to the whole energy demands of a house or little concern. If non, what are the restraints and demand for betterments. Finding the economically feasible solution for little concerns. How to do it practically feasible for little concern and families, and how it can be taken to multitudes. To analyze the impacts of promotional activities towards doing the engineering common. I will roll up primary and secondary informations to analyze the impacts.Literature ReviewGlobal heating is the hot subject across the Earth. Scientists and research workers are seeking to happen some ways to cut down the sum of C dioxide being emitted into our ambiance. Already Earth has witnessed the consequences of C emanations in the signifier of depletion of ozone bed and thaw of glaciers and ice caps in the Polar Regions. If this status prevails and planetary heating tends to increase for the approaching old ages, there is a great menace to the following coevals of human sort ( Kaelin et. al. , 2004 ) . From the study of ESTIF ( 2007 ) , it is clear that if this status prevails for following century so evidently our full human sort will be at the hazard of extinction. Is at that place any manner to cut down the green house consequence? Is at that place any manner to cut down or even to avoid the emanation of C into our ambiance? Yes. There are many other natural energy resources utilizing which you can even forestall the emanation of C into our ambiance. Natural energy resources are available in the signifier of H2O, air, air current, solar and atomic. Among the signifiers of energy resources mentioned above, it is solar energy which we get more abundant than other beginnings of energy. Weiss ( 2008 ) references that it is merely through heat energy we are making most of our twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours activities. Using solar powered generators you can easy bring forth the necessary sum of electricity that can run some electrical contraptions in your place. Solar power panels can be easy installed in your places from which you can easy bring forth and hive away power that can be used for any electrical intent. Solar power panels are now popular across the universe and most authoritiess are now seeking to pin down the maximal sum of solar power they obtain. We know that about half the solar power is radiated from Earth ‘s surface, which when trapped can be efficaciously used for power coevals intents. If solar power coevals techniques are implemented successfully, we can easy cut down the emanation of C to a greater extent. Mckinnon et. Al. ( 2010 ) have discussed the market size merely in UK for solar energy utilizing devices. The information from 2009 Tells us that companies and public corporations make up 58.2 % of the UK endeavors, 24.4 % are exclusive owners and in conclusion non-profits make up 3.9 % and partnerships 13.5 % . This information is rather important as we know that many companies are proprietaries and merely little concerns. The proficient sector of the economic system ( including scientific and professional ) makes up 15 per centum of endeavors in the UK and it is a sector that would certainly utilize new engineering such as that of a solar electric generator. Another sector that is really note worthy is the buildings sector which makes up 13.4 per centum of endeavors, as concerns in this sector would most surely use new engineering, as they are in the concern of edifice, so why non construct with the latest engineering. When looking at the sizes of companies it is really note worthy that 88.7 % of UK concerns have less than 10 employed, which normally means it is a little company, and 98 % have less than 50 and merely 0.4 % has an employment of over 250. This clearly shows how many little concerns there are in the UK and if 88.7-98 % of concerns in the UK switched to new non-carbon emitting engineering for electricity, there would no uncertainty be a immense positive consequence on the environment. It is true that even though really big companies make up merely a little figure of the concerns in the UK they still produced hundred of times more emanations than the little companies combined, as it is mentioned earlier, the big companies would be certain to put in such engineering as it would be really of import for them public dealingss wise. If a big company choose NOT to travel ‘green ‘ while other big companies do, consumers would decidedly head to the ‘green ‘ competition. So with the big concerns reasonably good forced to subject to the new engineering, is it worth doing it come-at-able and doing the investing for the 98 % smaller companies? Well yes. strength is in Numberss, right! ( Izquierdo et. al. , 2010 ) . With the sheer figure of little concerns in the UK, there would be an undoubted impact if they all went with the new engineering, as through their Numberss little companies have a big impact.MethodologyThe basic methodological analysis I will follow during this research will be to roll up information through dependable secondary beginnings. I will analyze the impacts of marketing attempts of two solar cells making/distributing companies from UK over the buying form of their mark market. The organisations I have selected are: ECOSOL UK Solar Century UK Initially, I will establish my research on secondary informations. If, nevertheless, the published beginnings turn out to be less so required, I will roll up primary informations through questionnaire methods. For my research, I will analyze secondary informations about the two above mentioned houses. After informations aggregation, it will be classified, and analysis will be done. The analysis might necessitate the usage of some statistical tools which will be used as per demand. Interpretations will be made on the footing of this analysis. The research therefore will be done non merely qualitatively but it will besides be quantitative.Ethical ConsiderationsWhile roll uping the information, it will be ensured that no confidential/classified information offered by the companies is misused. The information will be protected. Name callings of the participants in my primary informations aggregation interviews/survey will non be displaced in any state of affairs. The company informations and any personal information collected during this research will be safe guarded carefully to guarantee no information larceny or abuse of information.Undertaking TeamThis research will be carried out under the supervising of my supervisor. I will roll up the information for analysis, and will make a thorough research on the bing state of affairs and will show my findings in written signifier.Undertaking TasksTo transport on this research, I will analyze about the bing market state of affairs and about the already explored possibilities of utilizing solar energy as the chief energy resource in our mundane life. Use of solar energy as the most of import energy resource by multitudes has many advantages. The nest eggs would be great. Huge cost decrease in the usage of electrical energy, and this energy beginning would be much less taxing on the Earth thanks to no more C emanations, it ‘s a renewable beginning that we are non traveling to run out of and the Earth would be health ier and safer for future coevalss. There is no uncertainty that the benefits are immense, for the Earth, for people and for concern. Large concerns would be all over it right from the start, nevertheless, there are far greater figure of little concerns than big concerns, how can these little concerns be convinced that the solar energy resource is good, and one time they are positive how can it be made practical for them to utilize photovoltaic energy?Progress So FarThe clip taken up boulder clay now has been utilized in preliminary degree research. The undertakings which will necessitate to be done to successfully finish this research are: First undertaking to be done is to be after the whole procedure. It will take a hebdomad to complete the program and to get down working on it. This undertaking will be done by the terminal of December 2010, before the winter interruption. This undertaking includes readying of questionnaires and other research tools every bit good. After the undertakings are planned and it comes to the executing, the following measure would be research. This is the toughest portion, and I will necessitate a month for it. The month of January, 2010 and some portion of February will be dedicated to this undertaking. This stage includes informations aggregation through primary and secondary resources. This is the toughest stage as the two above mentioned companies will be contacted and informations will be collected about them. The last hebdomad of February, 2011 will be spent in sorting and analysing the information. The last 3 hebdomads of February, and some portion of March 2011 will be spent in composing the existent thesis article. March 2011 will be spent in redacting the thesis as per my supervisor ‘s instructions and the concluding undertakings like printing and binding for concluding entries will besides be done during this clip frame. Even though we are allowed until the terminal of April, 2011, I want to let myself some slack clip in instance I needed to make redacting.Resources requiredTo transport out this research, I will necessitate entree to library, cyberspace and on-line libraries for literature reappraisal, research and secondary informations aggregation. To reach the companies, a missive of recognition will be required from the university. I will besides necessitate a tape recording equipment for the unfastened ended inquiries of my questionnaire for primary informations aggregation. Stationery will be required for completion of the undertaking.Undertaking CostThe entire cost of this undertaking that I will hold to bear will be my ain traveling disbursals to see the company offices, and the cost of printing, and adhering the thesis.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

W.H. Auden’s September 1,1939

W. H. Auden’s September 1, 1939 appears at first to be a poem preoccupied with war; its title, being a significant date of the Polish-Nazi invasion in World War II, is a preliminary indication of a war-time theme. On the surface, the poem appears to comment on the dishonesty and manipulation of government leading to war and expresses Auden’s political opinions about WWII and his skepticism of governmental authority.The ideas Auden presents of the ‘Collective Man’ and ‘the lie of Authority’ suggests that concerning the war, he believes that the people of the world should be more truthful to one another, and that governments are to blame for the deceptions and wars in the world. The actions of governments at the time and their use of wartime propaganda to manipulate the public’s perception could be a mirrored image of the way Auden believes he has been made to be judged by society.Richard R Bozorth claims that â€Å"Auden’s poems h ad private meanings[†¦]To read with this knowledge is to see that what is true of all writing is acutely so for lesbian and gay writers – that meaning is initiated and elaborated in social settings where truth is very much a matter of what is speakable. † When considering the homosexual nature of Auden’s social life, a new layer can be found within the poem.From the outset of the poem there is a theme of isolation; the speaker sits in ‘one of the dives/ On Fifty-Second Street’, suggesting a certain seclusion and loneliness. America was an impartial country in the Second World War and is described in the poem as the ‘neutral air’, reflecting its political neutrality during the war. The lonely bar Auden resides in suggests that like the country that inhabits him, Auden feels he is too separated and alienated within society, which may be due to his conflicting sexuality.The primary interpretation of Auden’s perception of WWII al lows him to express his feelings towards the intolerance of homosexuality in society as it could be suggested that Auden believes homosexuals are forced to be kept hidden from the public, the way the government deals with propaganda and censorship during the wartime. The use of light and dark duality throughout the poem could be a metaphor for Auden’s attitude towards homosexuality and how it is kept in the ‘dark’ of society.The ‘waves of anger and fear/ Circulate over the bright/ And darkened lands of the earth’ could refer to both the spreading of the war, causing anger and fear to civilians, and the anger felt by people who are unaccepted within society, left to exist within the darkened lands, unexposed to the light of acceptance. Auden insists ‘the lights must never go out’, in which ‘the lights’ could represent the acceptance and embracing of homosexuality and thus Auden seeks the light that will allow him to feel acce pted within the world.It appears Auden is communicating that humanity is not only condemned by war, but also condemned by a lack of acceptance of one another. The ‘conservative dark’ Auden refers to not only presents the darkness of government and its control, but also the darkness of those who cannot alter their opinions on those who are different. The idea that the poem is commenting on the inequality of homosexuals in society coincides with the primary interpretation of the poem because in both instances Auden is using the poem to speak out against injustices and seek truth and equality either in government or society.Auden’s poem is read primarily as a critique on the dishonesty of government because of the outbreak of war, however, Auden’s personal life and the language and references within the poem give evidence to a deeper meaning. By creating a poem with two levels of interpretation Auden is able to speak about two different subjects that he feels very strongly about both of which work together to urge for a more honest and tolerable world.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Precocious Puberty

The difference between Precocious Puberty and puberty itself is Precocious Puberty is normally found in children between the ages 8 and 11. While puberty normally does not hit children till around age 11-14. The Mayo Clinic best describes Precocious Puberty as: â€Å"Precocious Puberty is when the body changes from that of a child into an adult. It includes rapid growth of bones, teeth and muscles; changes in body shape and size; and development of the body's ability to reproduce. Precocious Puberty normally begins in girls between ages 8 and 12 and in boys between ages 9 and 14.The cause of precocious puberty often cannot be found. † Rarely, conditions such as infections, hormone disorders, tumors, brain abnormalities or injuries may cause precocious puberty. Treatment for precocious puberty typically includes medication to delay further development. There are 5 different types of Precocious Puberty. Gonadotropin-dependent precocious puberty is very common and affects mostly girls and half of the boys. This is a disorder which is triggered by premature secretion of puberty controlling hormones or higher levels of gonadotropins.Gonadotropin-independent precocious puberty mostly affects boys with low gonadotropin levels. Central precocious puberty is not triggered by any underlying reason. It is merely a body response to changes that concern the central nervous system. Isosexual precocious puberty causes the sign of femininity in girls and masculinity in boys. Heterosexual precocious puberty is just opposite of Isosexual precocious puberty which brings the sign of femininity in boys whereas masculinity in girls. Early onset of puberty can cause several problems.The early growth spurt initially can cause tall stature, but rapid bone maturation can cause linear growth to cease too early and can result in short adult stature. Most children, boys and girls alike that have Precocious Puberty end up being less than 5 feet tall. According to Kids Health (1995) t here are signs to be on the lookout for. For instance, â€Å"in girls the telltale signs of precocious puberty include any of the following before 7 or 8 years of age include: breast development, pubic or underarm hair development, rapid height growth, and onset of menstruation.In boys, the signs of precocious puberty before 9 years of age include: enlargement of the testicles or penis, pubic, underarm, or facial hair development, rapid height growth — a growth â€Å"spurt†, and voice deepening. † Both girls and boys will have an onset of acne and adult mature body odor. An 8 year old child having such things causes problems for that child. It’s always difficult to be different, and maturing into an adult-looking body earlier than your peers puts a lot of pressure on children. A child I know, Roberta, is only 7 years old and has Central Precocious Puberty.The mental affects it has on Roberta is outrageous; she is a second grader having to deal with wearin g sanitary napkins, the â€Å"smell† associated with periods, the self-image problems of already growing breast, among many more issues. This can really wear on a child, especially one that is so young. Roberta is finding it hard to maintain her friends, once they find out about her already having periods their mom’s want them to not be friends anymore. One little girl had been friends with Roberta since Preschool then the mom found out that Roberta was wearing sanitary napkins and told her daughter she could not be friends with Roberta anymore.Roberta’s mom went to talk to this lady, and her response was, she was not ready to have â€Å"the talk† with her daughter yet. It was better they not be friends to prevent Roberta from telling her daughter anything. It is more difficult for girls than boys. Girls have undeniable signs that are visible to everyone. Boys can hide their growing penis and chest hair from their friends, the only thing they cannot hide is their facial hair if that is coming in early. Both boys and girls can have a tough time when they go through pubertal changes.Children who go through the changes at the age of 8-11 while their friends do not hit puberty till 11-14, makes it even harder for those early bloomers to cope. Children with Precocious Puberty may be stressed because of physical and hormonal changes; they are just too young to understand all the changes their body is making. These children will be teased and may end up having body image or self-esteem problems. Girls who reach menarche before age 9-10 may become withdrawn and may have difficulty adjusting to wearing and changing sanitary napkins.Roberta has had problems adjusting to wearing the sanitary napkins and she wants to make sure no one can see them from her pants. It is very confusing and traumatizing for her. Both sexes, boys more often than girls, may have increases in libido leading to increased masturbation or inappropriate sexual behaviors a t a young age. Girls with a history of early puberty have a slightly earlier age of initiation of sexual activity. Some girls with Precocious Puberty enter the dating scene much earlier than their classmates.Early-maturing girls may also have behavior problems and a greater risk for substance abuse and suicide. The best thing for the children struggling through precocious puberty is for someone to be there for them, listen to them, encourage them, let them know there are others who are just like them, and what they are going through is normal. It may not normal for their age, but normal none the less. All children go through adolescences. Those with Precocious Puberty are just going through adolescences sooner. In order to diagnose Precocious Puberty the doctor will perform a work up on the child.The doctor normally begins by reviewing the medical history of the family, doing a physical exam, reviewing blood work to measure hormone levels, and taking x-rays of the child’s han d and wrist to determine bone age. When diagnosing a child with Precocious Puberty, a doctor will look at the Tanner Stages to determine where the child is at. Tanner Stages is a system that was developed in 1969 it grew out of a two-decade-long study of girls as they transitioned through puberty. â€Å"The Tanner staging system is named after Dr. James Tanner, who was a British pediatrician.He performed a longitudinal study in which the subjects were observed repeatedly over a period of time in the same context. † (Dr. Greenspan 2006) In an experiment; the girls underwent examinations and photographs every three months. Dr. Tanner and his research group studied the progress and developed the 5 Tanner Stages that we use today. The Tanner Stages deal with both breast and genital development. Roberta (the afore mentioned child) has a Breast Tanner Stage 3 and a Pubic Hair Tanner Stage of 4; this happens more times than not for girls to be more advanced in one area over the othe r.She is biologically age 7 but her bone age is 11. Girls will have Tanner Stages numbered 1-5; childhood through adulthood. Boys will have only one Tanner Stage, Tanner Stages numbered 1-5; childhood through adulthood. According to the Mayo Clinic (1998) there is treatment for Precocious Puberty. The children can receive a treatment called Gn-RH analogue therapy, usually includes a monthly injection of a medication, such as leuprolide, which stops the HPG axis and delays further development. The child continues to receive this medication until he or she reaches the normal age of puberty.Once he or she stops receiving the medication, the process of puberty begins again. The goal of treatment for Precocious Puberty is to stop puberty from progressing so the child can have a normal healthy childhood. Treatment will also depend on the type of Precocious Puberty and the underlying cause, if known. According to Health of Children, there are several drugs that have been developed for trea tment: histerlin, nafarelin, synthetic gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist, deslorelin, ethylamide, triptorelin, and leuprolide.If parents opt to have treatment, there is some after care that is required. The child will have follow up visits every 3-6 months to ensure that progression of puberty has been slowed or halted altogether. Normalization of accelerated growth, reduction in size of breasts and suppression of gonadotropin levels after receiving Gn-RH. Monitor bone age yearly to confirm that the rapid advancement seen in the untreated state has slowed typically to a half year of bone age per year or less.If parents opt to not have treatment, the child might need therapy to help with self-esteem issues, high anxiety, irritability or even withdrawal. Some studies have shown that not treating children has no effect on them at all with the exception to early adolescences. The best thing a parent can do is to discuss the ends and outs with the Endocrinologist about which treatme nt if any will be best for their child. Precocious Puberty is something a child can live with. Most importantly, there is help out there if they want it.